Chip Conveyor

Chip Conveyors

•A chip conveyor is used in a metal cutting machine to carry away waste, such
as metal chips during machining and manufacturing operations.

•Most common in machine tool operations, a chip conveyor is an important part
of cleanliness and safety as well as a key item in recycling efforts.

In a machine shop floor all CNC machine contains a chip conveyor followed by
a waste bin.

Types of Chip conveyors

1.Hinge type chip conveyor
2.Scraper type chip conveyor
3.Magnetic conveyor
4.Screw conveyor

1) Hinge type conveyor

Hinge-belt chip conveyors (or hinge conveyors), the most common format,
offer an effective means of managing heavy chip loads and stringy chips.
Chips that fall from the machine tool land on the conveyor belt and are
conveyed away from the machine tool’s precision surfaces. As shown in

         2) Scraper type chip conveyor

Scraper-type chip conveyors are most often used for cast iron, bronze or
brass machining, which produces smaller chips that can nest together.
Chips fall directly to the bottom of the conveyor, and scrapers drag debris
to the discharge end of the conveyor.As shown in figure...

         3) Magnetic conveyor

Magnetic chip conveyors are intended for ferrous material applications with
small chips. The chips fall onto the conveyor’s stainless steel surface and
are conveyed by powerful magnets moving underneath. The chips are
released from the magnets at the discharge end, and fall freely into a
collection container.As shown in figure...

       4) Screw conveyor

A screw conveyor is a mechanism that uses a rotating helical screw blade
within a tube, to move granular materials or dry chips.
The screw is fixed with a motor arrangement to rotate the screw in one end
and free in another end.As shown in figure...

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